6 cinnamon double het pied mj axanthic baby ball pythons Personal ad
19 Oct 2021 - Ball Pythons - Toronto, ONAd Details
6 beautiful cinnamon double het piebald mj axanthic babys left for sale. The mother is a normal 100% het pied. the father is a cinnamon 66% het piebald 50% het mj axanthic. 9 eggs were laid and all eggs hatched july 2nd and 4th. 6 males and 3 females. 8 babys were cinnamon double het piebald axanthic and 1 baby was a normal double het piebald mj axanthic. 6 babys are left and all are well established eaters now and have all shed atleast 3 times. I have a weighed them but since have eaten a few meals more. 4 males are left and two females . Males are 250$ females are 300$ pic 1 is boy#1 (only snake left with no visual markers)' pic 2 is boy#4 (visual markers), pic 3 is boy#5 (visual markers), pic 4 is boy#6 ( visual marker on tail), pic 5 is girl#1 (visual markers), pic 6 is girl#3 (visual markers) ... i could take more pics if needed . 437 235 8556 jamie.. :)