Verified means that we have done a minimal amount of due diligence on this seller. The seller has either been in the industry for a lengthy period of time, and garnered a positive reputation, or we have first hand knowledge of the seller and wouldn't hesitate to purchase from them ourselves.
Our lawyers made us put this in: In no way should this be construed as a guarantee, warranty or even a recommendation to buy from the seller, and simply by using the site, you agree to hold, it's owners (VDK Inc.), and any and all persons connected with operating the site harmless form any damages you may seek from using the site. (all this junk was also in the terms of service).
Want to get verified? Contact Us through this form, and send us some personal/company information, and anything else you may feel we need to determine your eligibility. We regrettably won't verify everyone...but it doesn't mean we don't like you! :)